About TEA Labs

Our story

Trace Elements Analysis Laboratories (Pty) Ltd is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory facility that currently operates in the Uranium mining industry in Namibia. Founded in 2008, it acts as an auxiliary support service, by offering radiation monitoring services through biologically testing body fluids for trace elements.

At Trace Elements Analysis Laboratories (TEA Labs), we have established ourselves as industry leaders by being the preferred laboratory in Namibia to offer this service. TEA Labs has since expanded its service offering and is strategically positioned to provide value to both industry regulators, and the various mining operators in the country.

With an established strong market presence in the mining industry, TEA Labs provides end–to–end laboratory solutions for the mining and biological science sector and the general public.

Our timeline



TEA Labs is founded by Johann van Heerden



TEA Labs attained its ISO 17025:2017 accreditation and establishes itself as an industry leader in radiation monitoring



Company becomes dormant with a change in management when the founder passes. TEA Labs is sold to a private entity



TEA Labs recoups accreditation status and re-establishes market dominance



Launching of expansion strategy with a hybrid business model



Launching of TEA Labs digital platforms (Website and social media)

“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.” ~ Peter F. Drucker

Our vision


The preferred laboratory partner to industries.

Our mission


We create value by delivering timely quality results through innovation, research and technology.

Our values


• Integrity • Timeous • Innovation • Client-centricity • Quality

Our team

TEA Labs has its specialised units, each headed by experienced professionals, who have dedicated endless hours to build their expertise in metallurgy, analytical chemistry, radiation management and monitoring, health, safety and environment, quality control and laboratory business management.

At the organisation’s helm our business and technical leads, Wensia Ruiters and Kevin Mwashuma, expertly lead, maintain and guide the organisation’s growth and expansion through product and service leadership and operational excellence.

The TEA Labs team complement has over 25 years of experience in the industry and provides insight and expertise that will enable your business.

Wensia Ruiters

Business Lead

My purpose is to serve, and one of the ways I serve is through creating road maps to ideal solutions. This ethos propels me to contribute towards advancing the STEM industry in Africa, through working with a group of like-minded individuals, who create sustainable and innovative solutions for themselves, the communities and the industries we serve. The launching pad is TEA Labs and we are excited to see what other prospects can come from this organisation.


“Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” ~ Richard Branson

Kevin Mwashuma

Operations & Technical Lead

People make things and things make work easy. I love working with people to reach goals and dreams. Welcome to my dream world.


“The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he’s one who asks the right questions.” ~ Claude Levi-Strauss

Lukas Kanyeva

Finance Lead

Vibrant professional with a strong love for impactful Afrikan ventures that can change lives, I am an Afrikapitalist.


“Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.” ~ P.T. Barnum

Herman Shoombe

Senior Laboratory Technician

Self-motivated Laboratory Technician with experience in Analytical and Industrial Chemistry, Quality assurance and Handling customers’ issues. To contribute my knowledge and skills, to benefit a company by furthering their growth.


“The only dreams impossible to reach are the ones you never pursue.” ~ Michael Deckman

Uetujama Usurua

Laboratory Technician

I’m an honest and humble person who values authenticity and transparency in all aspects of life. I believe that love and kindness are the keys to building strong relationships and making a positive impact on the world.


“For everything, there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

Clemencia Tjazuko

Laboratory Technician

A motivated laboratory scientist with demonstrated years of technical experience.  Passionate about achieving quality results that meet applicable requirements and specifications.


“Aspire for brilliance” ~ Unknown

Angelika Gamas

Office Administrator

I have 17 years of working experience in the Fishing industry of which 10 years as Office Admin/HR Clerk and 2 years as Finance Clerk. Ready to take on new challenges in steering this ship. My goal is to pursue a degree in HR.


“I am going to be better than I have ever been before.” ~ Unknown

Rejoice Hausiku

Public Relations Officer

I am an enthusiastic individual with a genuine passion for writing and storytelling. A hard worker that is focused on establishing great communication links between clients and the organisation.


“But hopefully, with God’s blessings… It shouldn’t be no way for me to lose, really” ~ Kanye West

Our accreditation and certification

Trace Elements Analysis Laboratories (Pty) Ltd is a SADCAS and an ISO/IE 17025:2017 accredited laboratory. TEA Labs is a member of the Namibian Uranium Association.

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